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This summer is definitely flying by!! Week 7 already! This week I worked at WetLabs with my senior mentor, Andrew. This was a good opportunity to update him and inform the company's software team of my project and ponder some possible suggests for improving my interface. So far my GUI's main functionality is complete. It can connect to the database, allow the user to graph some variables and flag the data, and updates the database including the qc flags. One of the things Andrew wanted my interface to include was an automatic flagging for some of the variables. As soon as he informs me of the limitations of each variable I can implement this into my program. While at WETLabs I was able to complete the following implementations on my GUI:

  • Implement time as a variable
  • Add a waitbar for long processes
  • Give the user an option to flag X/Y variables
  • Give the user graphing options
  • Allow the user to save/update flag criteria before commiting to the data
  • Allow the user to insert details about the flags
  • Smoothing out possible bugs

Besides work I had the opportunity to kind of explore Corvallis during my stay. Even though it was pretty small it was nice to have a lot of shopping and food within walking distance. Staying in a dorm was funny because I definitely felt like a freshman again with the bunks and communal bathrooms. Saturday, we toured Columbia Hills State Park and saw old Native American pictographs and petroglyphs, including the infamous She Who Watches.