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RE-ligation + transformation, PCR, SEM Class completion
Ligation in the morning, using the same procedure as before. 10% success rate on the last products was much too low. We are looking for somewhere in the range of 60%. Afterwards we repeated the transformation.
SEM class 12-1230 in order to visualize mineral products
lab meeting 330-5
Picked colonies from transformant plates (3 different volumes, colonies picked from 100ul because they displayed the highest number of individual colonies).
SEM final visualization class 12:00-12:30
Extraction of Loihi samples from marker 56 and 31. Labeled samples L1-L6 (L1=31 marker control, L2 = Fe, L3 = Mn, L4=control, L5 = Fe, L6= Mn
After extraction, I cleaned the DNA using the provided PCR DNA cleaning kit
Set up 30 cycle PCR for the picked samples from yesterday. 10 colonies were chosen from sample #4 and labeled appropriately.
A research summary of the SEM class was submitted as a rough draft to Wendy and to Minnie; pending their review it will be completed.
After the PCR was completed, I ran out the results on a 1% gel with a + and - control as well as a 1kb ladder for approx 40 minutes to confirm the correct position of the plasmid.