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Week 5 - swing away
I can't believe that it's been five weeks and my internship here is already half over! I feel like I'm just starting to get into the swing of things.
Anyway, this week has been, like all the others, busy. On Monday I focused on my project and the short presentation I'll be doing on it this coming Tuesday. Then on Tuesday I had the opportunity to help take the glider completely apart and put it back together with Katie. (A really cool experience, I recommend it!) Wednesday all the kids from the Ocean Observatories Camp came from Portland to check out the glider. They got to put weights on Phoebe while she was in the water to try and find the correct ballast for her next mission. I had the job of jumping in the tank and fishing out the weights when they dropped in. It was pretty fun. ^__^ Thursday was spent out on the river troubleshooting Saturn01 and again testing the glider. Today we were back at Saturn03 cleaning the instruments, fixing the antenna (which got hit by a boat earlier), and taking measurements to put a second pump and Thermistor at the surface (instead of at the bottom).
We’ve also received marching orders to make drifters that will get dropped in the plume and transmit their locations back, so that the shape of the plume can be studied. We’re currently working on getting the supplies for those.
Overall, it’s been a great first half of the summer, and I’m psyched to start the second!