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Week #1

     I have been familiarizing myself with the CMOP website, specifically the data observations section.  My goal this summer is create activities and curriculum which will use the CMOP knowledge and research as its learning target.  I will be the "vehicle" for transporting CMOP's research to students.  Initially when Antonio said he wanted me to be the "vehicle"  I nodded my head and thought to myself "ok, sounds good I can get started right away" and at the time didn't think very much of it.  As the week progressed on I became much more clear, this clarity was the fact that I didnt know as much as I thought I did.  I guess you don't know what you don't know until you become aware of what you don't know.  I have spent a great deal of time simply researching the research methods of CMOP, and attempting to be able to make sense of all of the data not only as number values but as implications to river-estuary-ocean health.  It is going well and I feel much more confident in this, but I also acknowledge that I need to learn a great deal more. 

I am very, very excited to be here at CMOP this summer, I feel like a student again.  I am allowed the opportunity to learn cutting edge research techniques, have access to the information AND meet the people who are doing these things.  I feel pretty inspired and often get carried away with all my ideas of using CMOP in my classroom.