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WEEK FOUR - Grant's code
Most of this week was spent mainly in going through Grant's code from his two-dimensional IBM to get a feel for how I should start constructing mine. Also, in the beginning of the week, I spent some time preparing my mid-summer presentation.
Each intern presented a graph (or some image) and talked about their (his or her I guess) project for a couple minutes. It was a good experience to learn how to present information. Even though this center is full of scientists, it's important to keep in mind that each person comes from a different background, so it's hard to concisely present your information to a group that might have no background knowledge of your topic. (It's a lot different than doing a presentation for a class where everyone is on the same page.) So that was great practice for the future.
I've also been reading a few textbooks on traditional population modeling. I won't be a applying most of this information directly to my project, but it's still good stuff to know if I want to head in the Mathematical ecology direction.
This week was also a short one due to the 4th of July holiday. The celebrations here are definitely nothing like my home-town, but I still had a great time. We went to the blues festival in Portland on Thursday and Saturday and that was a great time! On Friday, Chantel's aunt and uncle had us over for their 4th of July barbeque and we had tons of delicious food and played with fireworks. (There may or may not have been some illegal Washington fireworks there.) I haven't been keeping up with my picture taking, so I think I will steal one from Anna Mai for this post.