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pre-cruise work
Last week was pretty busy preparing for the cruise especially since it was a short week. I finalized my sample sites and worked with Joe to make a cotton holding device to collect whitening agents at the end of our pump. Cotton absorbs the whitening agents and we are hoping to concentrate them in this device. On weds we had presented data to the other interns. I was able to get some good data from the spectrofluorometer using different detergents for this.
This weekend was a long weekend. I started it out on July third by going to bluefest with some other interns then visiting Jami at work. On the fourth, those of us the lakes apartments went to chantels house for a barbecue and fireworks. The next day I went mountain biking with Joe, Tawnya and Sergei and back to bluefest in the evening. Overall it was a pretty eventful and fun weekend. I am excited to head out on the cruise tomorrow.
Jeff showed me how to make my picture smaller so I'm attaching some from the past couple weeks below.
view from hike with Vanessa and Sergei
Ruckle Creek (I could be spelling that wrong)
Waterfall from hike with Floris in the Gorge
Herman the Sturgeon
Sturgeon at Bonneville dam
Punchbowl Falls
alright I have to go but I promise some pictures from the cruise when I get back and I'll add some more pictures from various Oregonian adventures