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OHSU Awards Shout-Out

I would like to congratulate Peter Zuber, António Baptista, and Leslie Slasor for the recent Oregon Health & Science University-wide awards and recognition they have received.

Peter Zuber is the recipient of the 2013 John A Resko Faculty Research Achievement and Mentoring Award from the School of Medicine Graduate Studies Program.  This award is presented each year to a graduate faculty member for outstanding research accomplishments and outstanding mentoring of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The award is made in honor of the more than 30 years of research, mentoring and leadership contributions of John A Resko, Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology.

Leslie Slasor, a recent M.S. graduate working with Joe Needoba and Tawnya Peterson, is the recipient of the 2013 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award for her thesis "Slick Spectra: A Spectral Fluorescence Study of the Water-Accommodated Fraction of Crude Oil”.

António Baptista is being recognized by being named as one of four finalists for the Faculty Senate Leadership Award for Affiliated Units and Institutes.  This is an award offered by the OHSU Foundation for outstanding leadership at OHSU.  Antonio is eligible for the grand prize which will be announced at a luncheon later this month.

Please join me in congratulating Peter, Leslie and Antonio for their great achievements and outstanding contributions to OHSU's Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems, CMOP and more broadly the Institute of Environmental Health.


Bradley M. Tebo, Ph.D.

Professor and Division Head, OHSU Division of Environmental & Biomolecular Systems
Co-Director, OHSU Institute of Environmental Health