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Week 4: Midterms & Mapping Out More Model Data
Submitted by Randella Sasha Hardy on July 16, 2012 - 10:38am
Monday and Tuesday: The week started with beginning each of the suggested tasks from my presentation last Friday. I’ve begun the process of using Forecasts 22, 26, and 28 for SATURN-07 in May so that I may make a comparison of the different model data values and see if there is an increase or decrease in error. I’ve also retrieved observational data for Jetty A and SATURN-02; Jetty A will be used as a source of comparison to SATURN-07 as well, to gauge the variation among the bay and its lateral channel, while SATURN-02 will be tested as a source of oceanic input in terms of salinity and temperature because the ocean does have an effect on the conditions in Baker Bay through tidal fluctuations. Another major illustration that I will be incorporating is the model grid and actual bathymetry of the river area. Using these elevational layers, I will be able to get a better idea of how much error there is in the actual observational bathymetry and the model’s simulated bathymetry, which may affect the accuracy of model data.
Wednesday and Thursday: Yet another new model extraction method type was introduced! It was necessary to implement, however, because the other method (M-elio) was only appropriate for surface layer readings. That is fine for the SATURN-07 sensor, as it is a sensor attached to a buoy, with a depth of 0.6m, but for depths larger than 1m, this new method is needed. Now that I have this method, I will be able to extract model data for SATURN-02 and Jetty A. Wednesday was a long day, as I stayed after hours to work on my midterm presentation. While simultaneously perfecting my presentation and trying to make headway into plotting data comparisons for these other relevant sensors, my Thursday flew by.
Friday: Midterm presentations were given by each of the interns. It was nice to see what everyone was working on and the results they were getting. I was surprised to see there were so many people working in labs on more microlevel studies, while I’m working on a more macrolevel through computational modeling. Everyone’s projects were pretty interesting- I particularly found interest in Annie’s project because she is working on a molecular level, observing M. rubra and then dinoflagellates, expanding it to an ecological interaction. It’s great how we’re all doing separate projects but they all connect in some manner. Despite the major technical issues I underwent, I finally presented my work on physical habitat opportunity and my progress up to that point. I thought it went pretty well; Logan and I figured that because we are essentially working on the same project, it would be best to present together for the final. It was a relief once it was over (I’m not very fond of public speaking in general), but I still felt a little more confident about presenting in front of my peers and mentors.