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Week 8- Time Running Out

            Benjamin Franklin once said, “Do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of”. Though I have followed this theory of Franklin’s throughout my project, the internship spans a mere ten weeks, and there is only so much one can do in the given amount of time. That being said, I believe I have accomplished quite a lot in the eight weeks that I have been an intern at CMOP. I have had a crash course so to speak in using c-code and Matlab, which has given me both a better appreciation for computer science majors as well as the ability to make the filtered SELFE results more tangible and useful.

            Of course there will always be things in which I would like to improve upon in my project: more flexible scripts, more scenarios to compare, a longer time-period over which SELFE is filtered, the addition of spatial connectivity between habitats, etc. However, given that I only have two weeks left, I have to be content with everything that I have accomplished and begin to synthesize all of my work into one clear and concise analysis of how salmon and lamprey habitat opportunity change and can be modeled for the Columbia River Estuary.