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Week 2- More of PDFs, CompuCell3D
Monday, 06/16/14:
Read more from PDFs about and practiced creating two dimensional illustrations of mitosis from one to 45 cells, had a meeting with Karen regarding progress and discussing how CompuCell3D works. I found a tutorial for mitosis called steppableBasedMitosis in my CompuCell3D folder that may help.
Tuesday, 06/17/14:
On this day, we had our first professional development workshop that centered on team building/communication. Wendy Smythe and Sheree Watson led this workshop and spoke to us about working and talking together. During this time, they had us paired up to build anything we desired with only tiny marshmallows and toothpicks. As the teams did that, we had wrote instructions on how to build those structures. This exercise entailed that we write our directions so that a different group can replicate our creations based on what we wrote. Of course, we did our best to reproduce the previous groups’ designs, and it appeared most groups had some trouble with the replications. It was all in good fun and on purpose where we were taught or reminded of the importance about good communication, verbally and in writing. I also worked on producing mitosis from a single cell to 45 cells in CompuCell.
Wednesday, 06/18/14:
I continued working on producing mitosis from a single cell to 45 cells CompuCell.
Thursday, 06/19/14:
My day started late, but I was able to catch Paul Tratnyek’s discussion on ethical issues in academic research. Dr. Tratnyek spoke to us about some interesting true stories and posed to us relevant questions regarding research ethics. I also continued working on producing mitosis from a single cell to 45 cells CompuCell.
Friday, 06/20/14:
I may have made a little break though early this morning. As I was ‘playing’ with my CompuCell, I found that my operations can work together. Before, I would run one simulation then scrap it. There are many different simulations that produce a particular aspect of cell development. What I eventually encountered was a simulation collaboration. After running one type of simulation and stopping it at a certain point of the process, I can start a new simulation as it begins where the previous left off. I also continued working on producing mitosis from a single cell to 45 cells CompuCell. Then, I read some information about XML.