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Python, Anaconda and Symbollic Regression

Monday: Finalizing with Charles that we will use Pyevolve for our Python environment. I’m looking forward to using and learning Python because it’s a very powerful language. It’s nice to know that it’s object oriented like Java and C++, since those are my first two languages I’ve been learning. Based on the website, “Pyevolve was developed to be a complete genetic algorithm framework written in pure python, but since the version 0.6, the framework is also supporting Genetic Programming…” ( This sounds great since genetic programming is basically symbolic regression, which is the focus of my project. Later on, I finished reviewing the Iteration 2 Summary.

Tuesday: Finished reviewing Iteration Results 2: Alternative and Components slides and descriptions, and Iteration #2 Results: Estuary Sub Group of the Ecosystem-Based Function Work Group: SELFE and Delft3D.

Wednesday: Looking into installing Pyevolve and reviewing more in symbolic regression and genetic programming. I’m considering looking into evolutionary algorithms in hope of enhancing background knowledge of my project, and I went to a professional development meeting about exploring career paths.

Thursday: Researched symbolic regression, genetic programming, and installed Python 2.6; now I’m ready to learn some more Python.

Friday: Installed Python 2.7.5 and Anaconda as my mentor later recommended. We spoke the day before about needing to install Ipython and NumPy to extend Python, but fortunately we didn’t have to since Anaconda had those programs within it. Hopefully, we have the programs we need to make the models we need but if need others then that’s what we’ll have to get. I like having Charles as my mentor because learn how he finds and implements tools for programming. We had a seminar with the Honorable Elizabeth Furse, who was a Congresswoman from Oregon’s 1st District (1993 – 1999). She has great knowledge and interesting stories of Tribal Affairs with the federal government. It was an honor to discuss her knowledge of the background issues we have to work with. She was very friendly and it was a great experience for me to meet someone of her governmental caliber. Later had a cyber meeting, and met with Charles for about hour and a half properly installing programs and discussing symbolic regression.

This has been a very good week despite my mentor being sick for a couple days. I was able to make the most of it by studying and getting help from JIm who helped me to install Python and figure out directory and pathway issues while trying to run some programs. I've been bonding more with some of the other interns as we hangout more. We click well and I enjoy their company. Good times!