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Week 3: Handling Errors from the Terminal window.
Working with inserting data from the spreadsheet .csv files to the database, getting errors saying that there’s one field that repeats itself. You have to go back to the database to insert a new column and header, so the spreadsheets can insert the data through the program code and print out the data. After you have insert the new columns and header to the database, run your python script in the terminal window. If you get any Error: codes from the terminal, you’ll have to go back to your script to the line from the Error given. The Error: code gives a description along with the line and error, that why it not running correctly. And see what going on within your script, to figure out what causing the Error: code in the server. Overlook your what your script and see what else you can do but looking for a different method to write your coding. If you do any changes to your script, you have to save it and reinserted to the database; using the psftp program. Using this program, you have to make sure that all your files are in the same location as the psftp program. Once you upload the new file for the new changes you made to your script, you’ll run it in the terminal window. Hopefully I don’t get any more errors or decrease my errors to the minimum of one or two errors.