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Weeks 9 and 10: Writing
I spent the last two weeks of my internship finishing up some final experiments, writing my summary report, and working on my poster. The intern poster symposium was at the end of my ninth week, so I had to have most of my research done by that point so I could present it.The bulk of these two weeks has been spent organizing and polishing my data sheets so they are understandable by other people, writing up procedures, cleaning up my glassware and lab bench, and working on my report.It has been a great summer and I am very thankful for the opportunity I got to do research here.
I finished getting data for the stability and reactivity of manganese(III) DFOb, malate, pyrophosphate, and citrate. Also, I tested different sized filters to see if there was a difference in how a solution of manganese oxides with sodium ligands reacted after filtration with a 0.2 or a 0.02 micrometer filter. I tested the two sets of filtrates with LBB and formaldoxime. There was not a big difference in the final concentration measured, but the reactions from the 0.02 micrometer filtered solutions were much slower.