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Last Week
This is the last week of my project. I spent considerable time trying to get my program to work with Joseph Zhang’s larval tracker. However, I have had many setbacks with this process. I couldn’t compile the files I got from Joseph and using UNIX is still not easy for me. However, Bill Howe and Ethan VanMatre helped me get the multiple links file working. But, the particle tracker is still missing files.
In addition, I decided on a different route to fulfill my Oregon Fisheries Contact. Due to time and schedule conflicts, I didn't get a contact from Antonio, so I spent some time with Ethan VanMatre. Ethan filled in the gaps in my knowledge about UNIX. We spent a few hours a few different times, where I asked him many questions about UNIX. I have never used UNIX before, so a lot of simple things like transporting files between windows and the servers was difficult. Ethan showed me how to use various text editors, which I needed to edit my Python program once it was transferred to the servers. VI is my favorite, which is what I am currently using. He also showed me how to use UNIX email to transfer data and create backups and different versions of programs. This is accomplished by using a check-in/check-out repository called RCS. We also discussed possible ways to compile Joseph's programs, with some success. However, the particle tracker is still not working for me yet...
My program is finished, except for the interaction with the particle tracker. However, it can’t be tested until I get the particle tracker working. Unfortunately, I can’t get a hold of Joseph since he is gone all week and was with the interns last week. However, Bill and I are working on a solution.
Last, I have updated the web site and logs with all new information. I have spent time compiling all the research and logs into a final paper. This paper will be posted on the website along with the code to the final larval tracker program.