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Week 7
Week 7 and I am still loving this job. As I mentioned last week we were able to move on to hybridizing Pseudo-nitzchia samples and we were very successful. Each chip worked this time after some carefull cleaning. The reliability of the chips is proving to lessen after about two uses but luckily we have enough potential uses to get all the hybridiztions done. To end the week off I mostly labeled PCR products with Biotin...that was about 36 total which should conclude all samples need to be prepared for hybridization for my ten week period. The next step will be to draw up some sort of map and do some analysis on a yearly and seasonal basis for each group of organism.
Other than that we had a great brown bag speaker on Friday- a professor in environmental science from OHSU who tounched mostly on his previous work and his current work with the tribes associated with the Columbia River.