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Week 10
Well it's the end of the internship and to say the least I had an awesome experience. The final presentation went well and I think everyone who attended had a good idea of the basis of my project and the results obtained. Overall the compliance between everyone at CMOP was very helpful especially from my mentor Mariya, senior scientist Holly and the rest of Simon lab (they were great). To be honest I didn't expect to develop such a close friendship with the other interns but we all had a great time together. The 10 weeks went by super fast and now that it is over it's kind of weird! On the up side I definitely learned more in this 10 weeks here than I ever have in 10 weeks of class at Oregon State. At the beginning my knowledge about graduate school was little to none and now I have a firm understanding of the whole process. Even better....I like it. I will definitely be applying to grad school come senior year.