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26 Aug - Columbia River Estuary South Channel
[img_assist|nid=766|title=R/V Clifford Barnes|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=200|height=150] In the morning we traveled up to River Mile 23 to take freshwater samples near the end of the Ebb tide. We sampled a little down-estuary from our pre-selected site where the channel was a little wider and straighter. We then moved down-estuary to Tongue point at river mile 19, did a CTD cast, and continued to Buoy-39 at River mile 15 where we took our second set of samples. We continued down-estuary to river mile 8 off of the town of Hammond and collected a third set of samples. We then went to River Mile 11 where we hove to during the flood tide. Following the flood tide we returned to RM-8 to collect high-salinity water, and then traveled to RM-15 for our final samples. During our day of underway sampling we passed by the R/V Clifford Barnes, which was anchored in the South Channel near Astoria, and sampling throughout the day. The combination of these two datasets will produce a detailed picture of environmental conditions in the estuary. After sampling at RM-15, we anchored at Tongue Point for the night.