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22 Aug - Water sampling in the Columbia River Plume
[img_assist|nid=776|title=Research technician Matt Kalisz preserving DNA samples|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=113|height=150] I forgot to post this one. Here are my notes from Aug 22.
Antonio Baptista provided 5 waypoints to visit every 2 hours starting at 0800 PDT and ending at 0400 PDT. Stations were named P-16 to P-20. These points cover a range of surface salinities, and will include one sample outside the plume front. We collected water at the surface and at the bottom for processing (2 samples per station, 5 stations, 10 samples total). We reorganized the wet lab so that water that passes through the Sterivex filters goes directly into a sink - this has greatly reduced our "Loch CMOP" problem. I changed the schedule for the Aug 23-25. We will be docking on the evening of the 23rd as planned, but rather than leave the dock at 3:00 am on the 24th, we will leave port around lunchtime. We will head directly to the Gray's harbor line for nighttime CTD casts, and then sample the Willipa Bay line during the day on the 25th (rather than the 24th as originally planned). Everything has gone so smoothly that I don't need to use our "open" day on the 25th to catch up.