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19 May 2009 – 100m Isobath survey
We conducted CTD casts at stations along the 100m isobath (QRLP-a, QR-19, GHQR-a, GH-21, WBGH-a, WB-19, CRWB-a). Water was collected at GHQR-a for a primary production measurement, and at several other stations for methane measurements and analysis with the Flow-cam. We crossed the bar into the Columbia River estuary around 1700 and stopped near the SATURN-03 station to conduct CTD casts for a salt gradient survey.
We collected water at salinities of 20 and 4. On the next cast it appeared that the CTD pumps were not turning on in the fresher water of the estuary. After some investigation we discovered that they are turning on, but that we cannot tell they are on based on the output of the Seabird com system. High currents and darkening skies drove us to anchor for the evening in the anchorage area north of tongue point.