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Week 7 - Field Trips Galore... with more Temperature Experiments

 This week started and ended with fun field trips! As usual, Monday was a Sharp day, where we continued our temperature tests at the new 30C and 45C temperatures.  Tuesday, we took a trip to Bonneville Dam, which was interesting and also very informative. We were able to take a tour of the dam and see where the fish passed through, which was my favorite part. After the trip, we had a nice little picnic, then headed to Multnomah Falls where the other interns and I took a one mile hike. The view at the top was beautiful!  After our fun-filled field trip on Tuesday, I was back to running temperature tests on the CMOP sensor.  Thursday was a half-day at Sharp, so we completed the tests at the new temperatures and prepared to present the data analysis to Andrei on Monday.  Friday consisted of yet another field trip.  I found this one to be very beneficial to me.  Talking to the students at OHSU gave me better light to what options I have after obtaining my undergraduate degree.  I also loved hearing what one of the medical students had to say about her experience in medical school. Overall, this week was very exciting and educational!