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Week 3 - Working with the Sensor.

Week three consisted of me practicing doing things on my own.  On Monday, at Sharp, Andrei trained Vena and I more on using the sensors and how to run ADK, HLY, and STX targets. He also taught us how to hydrate the sensor chips, or dies, and run data analysis. After our thorough description of duties, we were left to run a couple tests on our own for the remainder of the day. Tuesday was mostly about putting what we learned on Monday to use. We ran two HLY, STX, and ADK target tests on multiple and single probes in order to see what type of signals we would get. We also ran a test using streptavidin beads, which we used in order to determine what will happen to the signal once they are attached to the DNA targets. These results that we gathered were similar to the ones that we gathered last week which is a good thing! After running the tests, we completed data analysis which calculates different aspects of the impedence signal generated. On Wednesday, I was able to do my own lab work which was exciting.  I ran PCR on HLY and then ran a gel to test and make sure there was DNA.  Thursday was quite a busy day. Vena and I were at Sharp in the morning running tests on 2 single probe dies.  We returned to CMOP after lunch, where our lab was selected to speak to the Pacific University interns and give a brief tour of the building. After the tours, I ran PCR on biotinylated STX. I then attended a meeting with Vena to speak to Holly about the progress of our research. Friday, my duty was to purify the HLY and STX targets that I ran PCR on earlier in the week. After purification, I ran a gel on the DNA targets which turned out exceptionally well! Week three, in my opinion, was my most productive week so far! Now I’m excited for Monday when we will get our own SLA sensor in the lab!