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Week 2 - Decisions, Decisions

This week I have been working with MATLAB implementing principal component analysis (PCA).  I have created a PCA function able to take in data and output figures, which display the relationship between specified components. I have also been given a larger range of data -- and more of it -- so as to better compare my results across the different samples.  With this increase in the amount of data, I hope a more obvious way to compare across samples presents itself.  The idea of cluster analysis has been mentioned, but with the wide collection of literature out there, it has been difficult to decide upon the most appropriate method(s) of analysis.

Because my project is so open ended, I have solely been working with previously collected and analyzed data with the hope that my results will provide us with more direction.  I have been told that some new samples will probably be collected next week and the goal is that my PCA results will help determine more specifically the place from which we want our samples.

This week, as well as the start of next week, will be key for making further decisions.  And so far, I have been accurate in saying that my project will better reveal itself in time.  I do however have to give a mini presentation on Monday, in which I present my work over the past couple weeks; with a bit of luck I will be able to articulate myself accurately.  The good news: working with CMOP is starting to feel more like second nature!