ELCIRC Users Group First Annual Meeting
What: first ELCIRC user group meeting.
When: June 28 and 29, 2004.
Where: Room AB401, Paul Clayton Building (a.k.a. Admin Building), OGI School of Science & Engineering, in Portland, OR.
Map & driving directions
Registration: the cost of registration will be minimal (~$35.00; just to cover meals and
refreshments). You can make payment after arrival.
How to register: e-mail to
elcirc@ccalmr.ogi.edu (for
planning purposes, please register asap!)
Contact person: Janet Itami (503)748-3006; Terrie Hadfield (503)748 1071.
Nearest accommodation: Wellesley Inn & Suites, 19311 NW Cornell Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124. Tel: (503) 439 0706.
NEW: make sure you quote "ELCIRC meeting" when making reservation at Wellesley to qualify for discounted rates!
Please send a short abstract by June 15, 2004.
Final agenda (with links to individual presentations):
Monday (June 28, 2004)
- 9:00am: Registration and welcome (refreshments available)
- Session I: Overview of ELCIRC (Moderator: Ed Myers) 9:15am: "ELCIRC: motivation, status, future" , Antonio Baptista and Joseph Zhang (OHSU, USA)
10:00am: "ELCIRC: overview of formulation and code structure" , Joseph Zhang and Antonio Baptista (OHSU, USA)
11:15am: break
11:30am: "Pre- and post-processing for ELCIRC" , Paul Turner (OHSU, USA)
12:00pm: "Progress on the MPI version of ELCIRC" , Cheryl Ann Blain (NRL, USA)
12:15pm: "SELFE: is there a higher-order alternative?" Joseph Zhang and Antonio Baptista (OHSU, USA)
12:30pm: lunch break
- Session II: Experiences with ELCIRC (Moderator: Mike Foreman)
(will spill into session III if needed)
1:30pm: "Internal Tides in the Bab el Mandab Strait" , Ewa Jarosz and Cheryl Ann Blain (NRL, USA)
1:45pm: "Applications of ELCIRC at LNEC: stratification in the Guadiana estuary and tidal propagation in the Obidos lagoon" , Ligia Pinto, Anabela de Oliveira and Andre Fortunato (LNEC, Portugal) 2:15pm: "Tracking Biological Particles using Elcirc" , John Morrison (IOS, Canada) 2:30pm: "Simulating Tidal Characteristics in the Chesapeake Bay using ELCIRC and UnTRIM", Harry Wang and Joe Cho (VIMS, USA) 2:45pm: "ELCIRC Applications to British Columbia Waters" , Mike Foreman (IOS, Canada) 3:00pm: "Using ELCIRC in NOAA's Coastal Storms Initiative" , Ed Myers (NOAA, USA) 3:15pm: "Heat exchange model in ELCIRC" , Mike Zulauf (OHSU, USA)
3:30pm: coffee break
- Session III: Open forum: where are we? (Moderators: Antonio Baptista and Joseph Zhang)
3:45pm: User assessment of capabilities and limitations
5:00pm: adjourn
6:30pm: Meeting dinner (CORNELIUS PASS ROADHOUSE; see the map for directions)
Tuesday (June 29, 2004)
- Session IV: Open forum: where do we want to go? (Moderators: Antonio Baptista and Joseph Zhang)
9:00am: continental breakfast
9:30am: Identify short list of priority developments for ELCIRC
10:30am: Strategies for developing ELCIRC as a community model
- Code modifications and extensions- who does what? How does it get integrated?
- Inter-model comparisons
- Benchmarks
12:00pm: lunch break
1:00pm: overflow time
2:30pm: Planning a 2nd meeting
- Scope and structure?
- When and where?
2:45pm: end of meeting
Minutes of the meeting (by Aaron Racicot)
List of participants