Selfe Home Models Simulations Forecast Benchmarks Data Sources

Problem Statement
This is the first benchmark test from 3rd Internation Workshop on Long-wave Runup Models. The analytical solution to this problem was given by Carrier, Wu and Yeh (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 475, 79-99, 2003). The domain is shown in Fig. 1 below. Benchmark set-up Domain: The domain is a plane beach of slope 1/10. Domain discretization: We use 2 S layers in the SELFE run, and uniform discretization in x and y with dx=dy=5m.Time: The model was run for a total of 280s.Changes to the source code: The changes in the source code elfe1_5k2.f90 include increase in mnp etc in the global module, and reading initial elevations from a file "ic_eta.dat". You also need to compile with i_dynamic option in Makefile (see below) to maximize the available memory.

SELFE run Input files
Analytical solution (downloaded from the Workshop web site)
The comparisons of elevation at t=160, 175, and 220s, as well as shoreline position and velocity are shown below.



3rd Internation Workshop on Long-wave Runup Models,