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Benchmark: Ekman motion Acknowledgments

Problem Statement Away from the equator, a steady wind blowing over an ocean leads to ocean velocities that are not parallel to the direction of the wind. Ekman motion describes the expected behavior, under the following assumptions: Distinctive features of Ekman motion, useful to test the implementation of wind stresses in circulation models, include: Benchmark set-up Overview: We consider a rectangular (100x100 km² square, centered at [x=0,y=0]), flat-bottom (50m depth) ocean, and apply a steady, uniform wind 30 degrees off the north. The latitude is roughly at 45N, which translates to a Coriolis parameter of 10-4 rad/s.Domain discretization: Uniform discretization in the horizontal, characterized by x=y=2000m (square elements). Vertical grid resolves the surface Ekman layer more than the deeper depth.Time: Simulation is conducted for 4 days, with dt=5min.Boundary conditions: A uniform water level (MSL) is imposed at all domain boundaries.Forcing: The wind is 30 degrees off the Y axis. Processes and parameters
ELCIRC Benchmark Input files

The Open University, 1998. Ocean Circulation, pp.36-38.
Pond,S. and G.G. Pickard, 1989. Introductory Dynamical Oceanography, Butterworth-Heinmann, pp. 106-109.